NIG Internship 2024 in Japan

Hey there! The National Institute of Genetics (NIG) and the Genetics program at Sokendai have this awesome internship opportunity in 2024. It’s for undergrads and grad students who want hands-on experience in genetics and life sciences. The best part? It’s fully funded!

During the internship, you get to do your own research with top-notch facilities in Japan. You won’t be alone – a mentor from NIG will guide you through the process. It’s a fantastic chance to dive into the world of genetics and gain some practical skills. Apply now and make the most of this fully funded NIGINTERN Program!

The internship runs from June 13 to July 24, 2024 – mark your calendars! At the end, everyone will share their experiences and present their findings at the “NIGINTERN Reports Symposium.” And here’s the cherry on top – you’ll get a certificate of completion from NIG.

Financial Rewards

  • Travel Coverage:
    • NIG takes care of the airfare from your home country to Japan and back.
    • Airport transfer is also covered.
  • Accommodation:
    • NIG handles all accommodation fees during the program.
  • Insurance:
    • Travel insurance is provided throughout the program.
  • Living Expenses:
    • NIG supports with living and miscellaneous expenses.

Internship Duration

June 13– July 24, 2024. 

Eligibility Criteria for the NIG Internship Program

  • Academic Eligibility:
    • Applicants should be in their prefinal year during the application period.
    • For instance:
      • In the third year of a four-year bachelor’s program.
      • In the second year of a three-year bachelor’s program.
      • In the fourth year of a five-year program.
      • In the first year of a two-year master’s program.
      • In the fifth year of a six-year program.
  • Interest Requirement:
    • Applicants must demonstrate a keen interest in genetics and related fields in life sciences.
  • Global Inclusivity:
    • NIG encourages applications from individuals of any country or nationality.

Procedure to Apply for the NIG Internship?

Applications are received exclusively through the online application system. Additionally, you may refer to the application guidelines for detailed instructions on navigating and completing the online application process.

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