How To Get Printer Ink Off Hands Without Alcohol At Home

To my dismay, I ended up with printer ink all over my hands for the first time, leaving me wondering how to effectively remove it. Fortunately, I discovered a highly efficient method that didn’t involve any potentially toxic substances like alcohol, acetone, or chemical removers. The method I tried involved gently rubbing a pumice stone on the ink-stained areas.

It is also possible to remove printer ink from your fingers or hands using alternative methods.

Printer Ink Remover (Effective Methods)

A pumice stone works effectively as an alternative to alcohol for removing printer ink from your hands. When my hands got stained with ink, my mom came to the rescue with this handy tool. Moms always have the best solutions! I hurried to the bathroom and grabbed the pumice stone to get the job done.

How To Remove Ink From Hands At Home?

The method I mentioned earlier using a pumice stone is indeed highly effective. However, if you also have printer ink stuck under your nails, there’s no need to worry. You can easily remove printer ink from both your hands and nails at home using the following methods, which are equally effective and quick.

Ink Removal (Dry Ink Too)

You can get guaranteed results by following these six steps.

1. Taking off nail polish

Many nail polish removers contain acetone, a chemical known for its effectiveness in removing various stains, including nail polish, paint, and ink. Acetone, also referred to as propanone, is capable of breaking down nail polish varnish, making it a common ingredient in nail polish removers. Make sure you use an acetone-containing nail polish remover when cleaning your hands.

Ink-stained hands and nails can be removed by soaking cotton in nail polish remover and gently rubbing them. If needed, use a fresh cotton bud to ensure thorough removal of ink stains from both your fingers and nails. 

After successfully eliminating all the ink, rinse and wash your hands with soap, and don’t forget to apply lotion to keep your skin moisturized.

2. Applying alcohol or using alcohol pads

Ink stains can also be removed with rubbing alcohol, which is well known for its effectiveness. It consists of water and isopropyl alcohol, a potent degreasing agent that can effectively break down ink stain components.

To remove ink using rubbing alcohol, follow a process similar to that of nail polish remover. Rub your hands and nails gently with rubbing alcohol after saturating a cotton or clean cloth with it. Ensure thorough rubbing until the ink stains are completely eliminated.

Additionally, you can use alcohol pads, which are readily available and equally effective for ink removal. Clean the ink stains with an alcohol pad in the same way.

3. Using a glass cleaner spray

Glass cleaners are versatile and not limited to just cleaning glass surfaces; they often contain ammonia, which is effective at removing ink stains.

Here’s a straightforward method to use glass cleaner for ink stain removal:

Simply spray some glass cleaner onto the affected skin and let it sit for a few seconds to allow it to mix with the ink. Then, gently rub your ink-stained hand with your other hand. Remove any remaining ink residue from your hands by rinsing them with water. To finish, wash your hands with your regular soap for a thorough cleaning.

4.  Using Hairspray

You might find it surprising, but a hair product can be surprisingly helpful in removing ink stains from your hands. However, it’s important to note that this trick may not work every time, especially with modern alcohol-free hairsprays.

When hairsprays were formulated with alcohol, it was easier to remove ink stains from hair. However, today, many hairsprays are alcohol-free, making them less useful for this purpose.

If you happen to have a hairspray that still contains a small amount of alcohol, you can try using it on your ink-stained hands. Apply hairspray to the ink stain and let it sit for a few seconds. Rub the ink stain and rinse it off.

5.  Baby oil

Oil is an effective ally in the battle against ink stains, and both baby oil and tea tree oil are considered safe and efficient options for this purpose. While they may not always completely eliminate the ink, they also leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.

To use baby oil or tea tree oil to remove ink stains from your hands, simply apply a few drops of the oil to your hands and gently rub it onto the ink-stained areas. As the ink begins to lift, wash and rinse your hands thoroughly. You can repeat this process 2 to 3 times, if necessary, until the ink is completely removed.

6.  Commercial Hand Cleaners

If none of the previously mentioned methods prove effective in removing the ink stains from your skin, you can turn to commercial hand cleaners such as LAVA, GOJO, or Fast Orange. While these hand cleaners are commonly used in mechanic work to remove grease from hands, they can also be employed to effectively eliminate printer ink stains.


Can printer ink be removed from the skin?

The ink on printers is not designed to remain on the skin permanently, so you can easily remove it from your skin. As mentioned above, tattoos can be removed in a number of ways. A non-alcoholic and effective approach is the pumice stone method, while others involve alcohol.

How does printer ink affect your skin?

Your skin will not be harmed by printer ink since it is non-toxic. However, if you have sensitive skin and leave printer ink on it for an extended period, it may lead to allergic reactions or irritation. Therefore, it is crucial to promptly clean ink spots from your skin.


Removing printer ink from your hands is remarkably straightforward with the effective methods mentioned above. However, the best practice is to avoid getting ink on your hands together by using gloves when handling cartridges. 

As someone who has been crafting for a decade, I have ample experience with cartridge filling and refilling without gloves. Nevertheless, for those who are new to crafting, especially cartridge refilling, it’s advisable to wear gloves as a precautionary measure.

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